Participating in Building Up the Kingdom of God
CTS Market
The CTS Market was created to help support those with immediate needs of basic essentials like toothbrushes, deoderant, soap, body wipes, and snacks. The church has regular weekly visitors who are in desparate need and our market provides an immediate (though small and very temporary) relief. We provide seasonal items such as hand and feet warmers, hats, gloves, socks, sunscreen, bugspray, etc. The market is open whenever the church is open and guests can come and pick what they would like. There are no limits. We restock the shelves once a month, so when we run out of something, we are out until the next month.
If you would like to help support the CTS Market, you can give a financial gift to the Pastor's Discretionary Fund which helped get this ministry started or if you'd like to help restock shelves or be trained to help others shop, contact the church office!