Worship is the central act of the church that connects us with the Holy and sends us out to proclaim the good news of Christ!
Worship at Christ the Servant is a blended experience that taps into the ancient traditions of the church and pairs them alongside our modern world.
Worship is not a spectator sport but a place where we expect you to bring your full self, open to what God might be doing in and through the body of Christ.
You are encouraged to sing loudly, lift your voice, pray boldly, gather courageously, and give generously as we participate in God's kingdom building.
Ultimately, worship is not about you
but about God!
Sermon Series
Explore some of the most recent sermon series
Rhythm of Worship
We gather into worship as a community. Together, we worship and celebrate God and God's gifts. We believe our journey of faith is not an individual journey but a communal one done through intentional gathering.
We confess the Apostles and Nicene Creeds as a practice of stating our faith and connecting to the Christian Church across time and space. We join Christians from all places in proclaiming what we believe.
All are invited to the Lord's table where we meet Christ in the bread and the wine. There are no age limits, faith requirements, or any other barrier. You are invited because Jesus invites you!
We confess our sins as part of our liturgy not as a practice of earning grace, but as a reminder of the beautiful gift that we have already received it.
We spend time in conversation with God through prayer. We invited all to participate in prayers through their own prayer requests and lift up all concerns across the world to God.
We are blessed in preparation for the week ahead and to live out God's calling in our lives. You are sent with a blessing to be a blessing to other and to remember that you are beloved.
We dive into scripture (Old, New, Psalms, Gospels) and dwell in the word of God as we listen to what God is speaking to us. We come with open hearts and minds to let God's word work on us.
God is generous and so we respond in generosity. All are invited to give as a tithe or an offering what you are able as a response to God's grace and an act of rebellion against the powers of this world with our own generosity.
Go out into the world to live and proclaim the Good News of Christ! Take what you have heard and experienced in worship and share it with others in the week ahead.